Google Ads


Overview: In this case study, we can see how we were able to achieve top 10 rankings for almost 10 key terms.  Before approaching Us, Their Website Traffic Was Not Performing As Expected. The Key Terms Were Not Ranking On The First Page Of Google SERP. The Client wanted to see themselves Above-The-Fold In Organic SERPs And Dominate The First 3 Positions In Google SERPs. Problem:  Solution:  Results: 


Acupuncture Clinic Got 20+ New Leads Per Month Through Google Ads

Overview:  A health care centre is an Acupuncture clinic in California. They wanted an expert to optimise and manage their Google Ads accounts. In 2016, the Health Center faced challenges as 90% of patients came from limited sources, and reduced insurance coverage led to financial strain. What we did? We started running Google Ads and within 2 months the clinic was buzzing with people.  And in the next few months, he was able to: Results:  Their Google Ads account generates around 20 leads per month consistently and efficiently.With a $384 monthly spend, they generated 26 new leads, although this low cost is an outlier—manage expectations for the campaigns.

Acupuncture Clinic Got 20+ New Leads Per Month Through Google Ads Read More »


ONLINE GOLF STORE MARKETING BEFORE:  👉The Golf store spend around $100/day but they translated into a couple of sales 👉The average cost per sale was $450 which was super high.  👉The average sale value was $150. AFTER:  We have noticed that after re-building the campaigns for the Golf Store, we can make necessary improvements to their website. By doing that we were able to achieve around 60% purchase per month. Also, we have noticed that the Cost Per Sale (CPS) is $250. 👉We kept the daily budget same as $100 👉We decreased the cost per sales from $450 to $48 👉We helped them in increasing the average sale value from $150 to $270 Achievements:1. Amount Spent: $2.93K2. Number Of Visitors: 4.75K 3. Average Sale Value: $270 4. Total Conversions: 61 5. Total Sale value: $16,470 6. ROI: 462% What We did for them:  Money Keyword Selection and Optimization Content Strategy For the landing pages and ad copies Worked on Low quality keywords and negative keywords. Improved the offers and user experience. This case study shows the power of data-driven Golf Store Marketers who want to  decrease the cost per sale and maximize the number of purchases on their golf e-commerce website.



MORE AWARENESS AND INCREASE IN VOLUME BEFORE: 👉 The podiatrist had a nicely designed website but it wasn’t optimised  for paid search. 👉 Then we need a dedicated landing pages with call to action, clickable phone numbers, and a pop-up form to schedule appointments. 👉 Their monthly budget was about $600/month which wasn’t a good budget for real results. AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 So we implemented a manual bidding strategy to get the lowest cost per click. 👉 Then we created 2 landing pages. One for the general care patients and the other was for surgeries. 👉 The need for creating 2 landing pages was to make sure that the visitors land on the page according to their requirement or for the service they were searching for.  👉 Then we decided to show ads to the mobile device users instead of both mobile and desktop users. And we did this due to the low budget. Our Achievements in 6 months:1. Amount Spent: $5.62K2. Number Of Visitors: 5.43K 3. Average Sale Value: $1200 4. Total Conversions: 164 5. Total Sale value: $196,800 6. ROI: 3401% RESULTS:  As a direct result of the campaign, they were able to bring more patients to their clinic. Within the time period of first 3 weeks, they were able to increase their volume of appointments by 25%  After all this, they were able to bring an average of 15 new patients per month at a Cost Per Acquisition of $45. This case study shows the power of data-driven podiatrists who want to create more awareness of their clinic and increase the volume of patients.



MOBILE FUELING MARKETING BEFORE:  👉 EzFill is a mobile fueling company based in Florida. 👉 Mobile fueling company had multiple “Smart Campaigns” that basically wasted their ad budget. 👉 Their cost per lead was $220 which is super high for a mobile fueling space. 👉 They had an initial setup that included:        ♦ Search campaigns       ♦ Display campaigns       ♦ YouTube campaigns       ♦ Multiple landing pages (for A/B testing)       ♦ Experiment Campaigns  AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 We went beyond traditional search ads and expand to display and youtube ads to maximise their reach online. 👉 Search and Display ad campaigns are built for each and every city that they are targeting: Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami, and Fort Myers – to make the data more granular for further optimizations. 👉 I used Youtube ads to target specific audiences (business owners, companies), in order to raise brand awareness and introduce potential customers to the EzFill services.  Our Achievements in 12 months:1. Amount Spent: $4.72K2. Number Of Visitors: $1.42K 3. Average Sale Value: $430 4. Total Conversions: 78 5. Total Sale value: $33,540 6. ROI: 610% RESULTS:     Till now we were able to bring 80 leads/Mo on average (phone calls and form submissions). Their cost per lead is $60 – which is a huge performance improvement.



JEWELLERY MARKETING  BEFORE: 👉 They had a very healthy budget of around 5k per month. 👉 The jewellery store sets a budget of $200 which got wasted easily in a few clicks also their Cost per Click was extremely high.👉 Also their homepage was not optimised for paid traffic.  AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 We manual created a bidding strategy in order to have full control of what we are paying per click. 👉Than we created a high-converting landing pages that had focused call-to-action buttons, video testimonials from happy customers 👉 Than we built the negative keyword list to increase the quality of their paid traffic. 👉 Then we retargeted Display ads campaign that showed their ads to their previous website visitors who already showed some interest in their brand but didn’t convert. Our Achievements in 12 months:1. Amount Spent: $72.8K2. Number Of Visitors: $88.3K 3. Average Sale Value: $2500 4. Total Conversions: 909 5. Total Sale value: $22,72,500 6. ROI: 31,115% RESULTS: So as a result In the first 60 days, I was able to increase their volume of leads by 600% Also, it helps to reduce the cost per lead by 70%.  Now, their account is pulling about an average of 100 high-quality calls a month at a CPL of $80.   This case study shows the power of data-driven jewellery Marketer who want to  target locals within a 50-mile radius of their business location.


Google Ranking Factors: What Matters Most in 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of online search, understanding the critical factors that influence Google rankings is paramount. As we step into 2023, let’s unravel the key elements that will shape your digital presence and determine your position in search results. 1. Content Excellence: Quality Reigns Supreme Compelling, informative, and relevant content remains the cornerstone of Google’s ranking algorithm. In 2023, focus on creating content that not only addresses user intent but also provides unparalleled value. Strive for in-depth coverage of topics to establish authority in your niche. 2. Mobile-First Indexing: A Mobile-Centric World With the majority of searches now originating from mobile devices, Google continues to prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Ensure your site is responsive, loads swiftly on all devices, and provides an exceptional user experience, especially on smartphones and tablets. 3. Page Experience Signals: The User-Centric Approach Google places immense importance on user experience. Elements like Core Web Vitals, which include metrics like loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability, directly influence rankings. A seamless and enjoyable user journey is integral to success in 2023. 4. E-A-T: Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness Elevate your content’s credibility by demonstrating expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). This is particularly crucial for content related to health, finance, and other sensitive topics. Cite authoritative sources, showcase credentials, and build a reputation as a reliable source of information. 5. Backlinks: Quality Over Quantity While backlinks remain a vital ranking factor, the emphasis has shifted towards quality and relevance. High-authority, industry-specific backlinks carry more weight than a high volume of generic links. Cultivate meaningful relationships with authoritative websites for sustainable SEO success. 6. Semantic Search and Natural Language Processing Google’s algorithms have become adept at understanding context and intent. Incorporate natural language and focus on semantic search optimization. This involves creating content that comprehensively covers a topic and provides comprehensive answers to user queries. 7. Secure and Accessible Website Security is non-negotiable in 2023. Ensure your website is protected with HTTPS encryption, creating a safe environment for users. Additionally, prioritize accessibility to cater to all users, including those with disabilities, and enhance your site’s overall user experience. 8. Local SEO and Geo-Targeting For businesses with a physical presence, optimizing for local search is imperative. Leverage location-specific keywords, optimize your Google My Business profile, and foster positive local reviews. This ensures that your business stands out in local searches, driving foot traffic and online visibility. 9. User Engagement and Dwell Time User engagement metrics, including dwell time (the duration a user spends on a page), bounce rate, and click-through rate, offer insights into content relevance and quality. Craft engaging, informative content that captivates users and encourages them to explore further. 10. Core Algorithm Updates: Stay Informed and Adapt Google’s algorithm undergoes regular updates. Stay vigilant for announcements and adapt your strategies accordingly. Understanding and aligning with these updates ensures your website remains competitive and maintains its visibility in search results. In 2023, a holistic approach to SEO that encompasses content excellence, technical optimization, user experience, and credibility-building is the key to success in Google’s rankings. Stay attuned to industry trends and algorithm shifts to maintain your competitive edge.

Google Ranking Factors: What Matters Most in 2023 Read More »


JEWELLERY MARKETING  BEFORE: 👉 They had a very healthy budget of around 5k per month. 👉 The jewellery store sets a budget of $200 which got wasted easily in a few clicks also their Cost per Click was extremely high.👉 Also their homepage was not optimised for paid traffic.  AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 We manual created a bidding strategy in order to have full control of what we are paying per click. 👉Than we created a high-converting landing pages that had focused call-to-action buttons, video testimonials from happy customers 👉 Than we built the negative keyword list to increase the quality of their paid traffic. 👉 Then we retargeted Display ads campaign that showed their ads to their previous website visitors who already showed some interest in their brand but didn’t convert. Our Achievements in 12 months:1. Amount Spent: $72.8K2. Number Of Visitors: $88.3K 3. Average Sale Value: $2500 4. Total Conversions: 909 5. Total Sale value: $22,72,500 6. ROI: 31,115% RESULTS: So as a result In the first 60 days, I was able to increase their volume of leads by 600% Also, it helps to reduce the cost per lead by 70%.  Now, their account is pulling about an average of 100 high-quality calls a month at a CPL of $80.   This case study shows the power of data-driven jewellery Marketer who want to  target locals within a 50-mile radius of their business location.



MOBILE FUELING MARKETING BEFORE:  👉 EzFill is a mobile fueling company based in Florida. 👉 Mobile fueling company had multiple “Smart Campaigns” that basically wasted their ad budget. 👉 Their cost per lead was $220 which is super high for a mobile fueling space. 👉 They had an initial setup that included:        ♦ Search campaigns       ♦ Display campaigns       ♦ YouTube campaigns       ♦ Multiple landing pages (for A/B testing)       ♦ Experiment Campaigns  AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 We went beyond traditional search ads and expand to display and youtube ads to maximise their reach online. 👉 Search and Display ad campaigns are built for each and every city that they are targeting: Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami, and Fort Myers – to make the data more granular for further optimizations. 👉 I used Youtube ads to target specific audiences (business owners, companies), in order to raise brand awareness and introduce potential customers to the EzFill services.  Our Achievements in 12 months:1. Amount Spent: $4.72K2. Number Of Visitors: $1.42K 3. Average Sale Value: $430 4. Total Conversions: 78 5. Total Sale value: $33,540 6. ROI: 610% RESULTS:     Till now we were able to bring 80 leads/Mo on average (phone calls and form submissions). Their cost per lead is $60 – which is a huge performance improvement.



MORE AWARENESS AND INCREASE IN VOLUME BEFORE: 👉 The podiatrist had a nicely designed website but it wasn’t optimised  for paid search. 👉 Then we need a dedicated landing pages with call to action, clickable phone numbers, and a pop-up form to schedule appointments. 👉 Their monthly budget was about $600/month which wasn’t a good budget for real results. AFTER: Strategies we used:  👉 So we implemented a manual bidding strategy to get the lowest cost per click. 👉 Then we created 2 landing pages. One for the general care patients and the other was for surgeries. 👉 The need for creating 2 landing pages was to make sure that the visitors land on the page according to their requirement or for the service they were searching for.  👉 Then we decided to show ads to the mobile device users instead of both mobile and desktop users. And we did this due to the low budget. Our Achievements in 6 months:1. Amount Spent: $5.62K2. Number Of Visitors: 5.43K 3. Average Sale Value: $1200 4. Total Conversions: 164 5. Total Sale value: $196,800 6. ROI: 3401% RESULTS:  As a direct result of the campaign, they were able to bring more patients to their clinic. Within the time period of first 3 weeks, they were able to increase their volume of appointments by 25%  After all this, they were able to bring an average of 15 new patients per month at a Cost Per Acquisition of $45. This case study shows the power of data-driven podiatrists who want to create more awareness of their clinic and increase the volume of patients.


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