Local SEO Tactics for Dominating Google’s Search Rankings

In today’s digital landscape, conquering Google’s search rankings is crucial for any business. Local SEO is the key to enhancing your online presence within specific geographic areas. Let’s dive into the strategies that will propel your business to the forefront of local searches.

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BOOSTED ONLINE PRESENCE AND TRAFFIC Overview Sweet Violet Beauty Salon offers various quality services at affordable prices, offering “Home Services” for massages, manicure, pedicure, hair and beauty treatments. The website is designed and built by us apart from the SEO. We tried to implement all the technical SEO optimization during the development phase and then focused on both on-page and off-page SEO after that to deliver the best results they have today. Client’s Requirements The client had a physical outlet and demanded an excellent online presence to knock off the competition and gain the market hold. With our competition analysis and market research, they deduced competitive pricing structure to gain identity. Further, they wanted brand presence and customer reach within their targeted regions in Dubai. The expansion in customer base and number of visitors apart from getting digital presence was their major objective through SEO. What we did? The Results We rebuild our SEO strategy by tailoring it to our client’s specific service areas. This approach boosted their online presence and traffic in targeted regions. We also analysed competitors and optimised keywords, delivering exceptional results in just 6 months. Our efficient appointment scheduling system improved customer satisfaction and brand reliability. This SEO effort increased visitor traffic, enhanced conversion rates, and secured a top ranking on



GROWTH OF SEARCH RESULTS  This Case study shows the growth of search results in the past 5 months i.e from 8 Sep 2022 to 31 Jan 2023.  Initially, When we started in sep 2022 we have, In this I did a set up a new site on a 7-year-old domain that was never used for anything good. Wrote few articles based on keyword research and  “forced” Google to crawl them. Then, I noticed my mistakes or improvements opportunities. Then for the month of October 2022, we have, Here, I used a few high- quality backlinks. Then, I used an attractive image that makes people want to click.  Then for the month of November 2022, we have, For this month, my strategy was almost the same. I just wrote more articles and tried to acquire new backlinks. What I changed is the way of writing titles. Then for the month of December 2022, we have, Here, My focus was on monitoring my rankings, writing new content and improving existing articles Then for the month of January 2023, we have, Here I keep naturally acquiring backlinks, but they were very low quality this month. Then for the month of February 2023, we have, This is the month where I can see the great changes of growth.


 How I Boosted SEO Traffic by 600% in 24 Months!!

 How I Boosted SEO Traffic by 600% in 24 Months!! I always thought SEO studies with this kind of title were written by snake oil salesmen. After all, stating you raised someone’s organic traffic by 600% can’t be real, right and especially when that person is a multiple-time New York Times best-selling author who already had a lot of traffic.  I didn’t think it could have been several years ago. Back then, I tried every SEO technique I could that is known to man in hopes, thinking if any of it could work. What Did I Do: Sad reality? The majority of my efforts went in vain. But I didn’t sit idle. I kept chugging along, and very soon I found such strategies & tricks that resulted in some real traction. And I doubled down on these. Guess what happened next? Yeah, these few things helped me in gaining surprising results. And I’m here to share the main areas on which I focused to finally gain better results and which helped my biggest client that the massive success with SEO so that you can also use these strategies. Keep in mind this is a single case study on SEO One important thing before we dive in: I’m not suggesting that what I’ll be sharing here is the only way to succeed with SEO. Some strategies that worked great for me might not work for you at all as every campaign & niche will have different shades. That said, there are numerous ideas in this case study that can be applied to almost every campaign you’ll ever run. The Starting Point: When I started working for this client, he was generating 20,000 visitors every month from search. Pretty much solid. His webpage ranked for a few competitive keywords as well that had between 1,000 to 5,000 monthly search volume & also received hundreds of email subscribers every month from SEO. However, there was a lot more possibility. He had genuinely amazing content and, since he had so many years of experience and results, the capability to produce incredible content on pretty much any topic in his niche, it was apparent that he had a chance of ranking for nearly any keyword in his niche over time. However, he had a major issue: his content was not optimised, and he required a lot more high-quality links. 4 Strategies That Worked in Gaining More Traffic 1. Conducting a comprehensive content audit I began by identifying all of his blog’s greatest content assets in terms of traffic (with Google Analytics and Google Search Console). He had hundreds of blog posts, but just 10 out of them received regular traffic. And hence I took down 90% of the content on his blogs.  What exactly did I do with it? I categorised each post in one of the two buckets.  Any existing content with untapped potential was placed in this bucket. Content would be placed in this bucket if it: And only five of the posts fell under this category. I had the author add a lot of information and new sections based on long-tail keywords to each of these posts. After finishing, I updated the publish date in WordPress, and without changing the URL, promoted this as a new post. The majority of these posts were either written on extremely specialised topics with little search volume or contained content that was relevant to one of the content assets we kept. I unpublished all the posts which didn’t have any SEO potential and set up a 301 redirect to the homepage or to the relevant content asset. I kept these as unpublished drafts so that the content could be used for future posts.  If a post’s content was substantially similar to one of our content assets, we 301 redirected the post to the asset. He only had approximately 30 blog posts left at the end of the content audit (including those we revamped). But, within a few months, he was generating more traffic than he had ever received before as every blog was extremely helpful, valuable, and SEO-driven. Not just did this content audit lead us to gain 600% more traffic, we required more links. 2. Ongoing outreach to build links To compete in organic search results, you already know that you need to develop high-quality links. I tried as well, however it didn’t help me acquire those links at first. I was sending hundreds of outreach emails each week and getting just 1% conversion rate at best… until I rethought my outreach strategy. Even after following the tactics experts told me to work on in the blog posts I read, I didn’t get results. And when these strategies on which I was working on didn’t work, I started looking for some new angles. I even started providing free access to my author’s courses and membership sites regardless of whether or not someone clicked on my link. And over time, I discovered something: if you have excellent content, go out to someone who has already linked to or produced comparable content, and provide them with tremendous value, you’ll see amazing conversion rates. 3. Consistently producing new, SEO-friendly content Building links regularly, I also coordinated with the author side by side to create new SEO-driven content.  By SEO-driven, I mean content created using the relevant keyword opportunities available in his niche. Many individuals create content and then look for a keyword to “optimize” it for. If you want your content to rank, this is backward. You’re simply choosing keywords out of a hat with various levels of competition, rather than discovering amazing keyword opportunities your site can rank for. You could get lucky a few times and find a low-competition keyword that you can rank for with your pre-written content, but you won’t be successful most of the time, and you’ll find it difficult to rank for anything. So, before we generated any new material, I conducted extensive keyword research to identify the best chances in

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How we grew client’s Traffic to 120k/ Month

How we grew client’s Traffic to 120k/ Month In this case study, I am going to show you our main goal, which was to boost the traffic of our client’s website through organic search. Also, we wanted the client to rank for more competitive keywords. Low Traffic: When I started out for this case study, our client’s monthly traffic was a little less than 100K. Sure, that’s quite a lot of traffic, but we were looking for ways to take it to the next level. However, growing traffic in such a competitive way was a challenge in itself. And that’s where our SEO strategy comes in. The Strategies we Used To grow our client’s website traffic, we planned a new SEO strategy, focusing on extensive keyword research, on-page optimization, powerful content planning, and more. However, that means that we needed to audit the client’s backlink profile well. There were chances that some of the links were bad links, which were having a bad impact on their site’s SEO. It was important for us to spot those links.  After analysing the client’s link report, we first got a snapshot of our client’s backlink profile from Semrush. RESULT:  Improved Backlink Profile  There was a massive jump in the number of dofollow and nofollow backlinks the client’s site had. The total number of backlinks shot up to 389K from over 7,200 referring domains.  Most of these links (69%) were dofollow links while nofollow backlinks constituted only 32% of all backlinks. These backlinks helped improve their off-page SEO. Here is the snapshot of the result:  In this next step, we are going to check the client’s site for on-page SEO parameters. This is important because even the best content won’t rank well in organic search results if it’s not optimised well. To ensure that our client’s website passed all these checks, we conducted timely SEO audits using Semrush. It helped us get a detailed idea of where the site stood in terms of on-page SEO. In this section, we have discussed the next important part of our strategy – keyword research and competitor analysis.  To improve our client’s site ranking in the SERPs, it was important to target the right set of keywords. Keyword Research Before we started writing any post, we conducted thorough keyword research for better SEO targeting. We selected keywords that had good search volume, high CPC, and low competition. Selecting low competition keywords made it relatively easier for us to rank the client’s site higher for those keywords. Competitor Analysis Along with keyword research, we also conducted in-depth research about the SEO strategies of our client’s direct competitors.The goal here was to understand how well their competitors ranked for the keywords that we were targeting. Content played a central role in the SEO strategy that we devised to grow our client’s traffic.  Strategic Content Creation Content is the main point of any SEO strategy, that’s why we started creating creative ideas for our client’s blog posts and infographics based on the selected keywords. The idea was to create content that could rank higher than others and attract backlinks too. User Intent-Focused Content Another important thing that we have talked about in this SEO case study is how we created content focusing on user intent. We did this to ensure that their content aligns well with the expectations of searchers. As a result, it helped us boost the time readers spent on the client’s website. For example, note how the post below serves the basic intent behind the search request. Content Upgrades Yet another strategy that we employed was to update the already-published content on the client’s website. In this part of the SEO case study, we’ll tell you how we updated the existing content on the client’s website to make it relevant to the present day.  Then we created a plan to update them with new statistics, strategies, and examples. Here’s how we tracked all content upgrades in one place. Internal Links Addition Internal links are crucial for a variety of reasons. These include: The next step in our SEO strategy was to provide a focus on off-page SEO parameters. To achieve this, we had to get the client more brand mentions and backlinks. We put sufficient input into getting branded backlinks too, which would serve a dual purpose of improving brand awareness and SEO.  Here, the one thing that most marketers forget to give more attention to is content promotion and distribution. These two things are necessary to ensure that the content you create reaches the right audience. For this, we came up with a powerful content distribution strategy for our client. 

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INCREASE IN ORGANIC USERS, NEW USERS AND ORGANIC SESSIONS  Here is the case study of a startup company that wanted to boost its website’s organic traffic. Instead of  creating great content and investing in Google Ads, their organic growth had hit heights. As an expert, I audited their site, identified issues, and executed some comprehensive strategies to achieve outstanding results. My comprehensive strategies led to an amazing results, transforming the client’s organic growth: By identifying site issues, optimising performance, establishing content guidelines, and building backlinks, our agency successfully builds-up the organic growth of our startup client. As a result, we have an 80% increase in organic users, 82% surge in new users, and 82% growth in organic sessions demonstrate the effectiveness of our tailored SEO strategy. 


How To Optimize Your Google My Business Listing for 1st Position on Google.

Google My Business is a powerful tool for local businesses looking to increase their visibility and reach potential customers. Optimizing your listing can help you rank higher in Google’s search results, making it more likely that people will find your business when searching for relevant keywords. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your Google My Business listing and improve your chances of ranking in the top spot: By following these tips, you can improve your chances of ranking in the top spot on Google’s search results and reaching more potential customers. Remember, Google My Business optimization is a continuous process, so keep an eye on your listing and make updates as needed.

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The Canva Backlink Empire: How SEO, Outreach & Content Led To A $6B Valuation

“Empires were not built in a day, nor homes in an hour.” —E. A. Bucchianeri This is a complete breakdown of the Canva marketing strategy that helped the brand grow to a $6 billion valuation, generate 20 million monthly active users, and gain customers across 190 countries—including 85% of all Fortune 500 brands. Like a great Empire Canva hasn’t achieved this success overnight. It’s taken years of smart decisions, brilliant execution and prolific vision to build their brand. We’ll be diving deep into the marketing tactics that have helped them acquire 4+ million backlinks and over 270 million visitors a year. This is not just a guide to understanding how Canva dominated the SERP. It’s a masterclass on how to create a content marketing empire that drives real results. In this essay you’re going to learn: How to create content for user intent The role of content directories for SEO How to create scalable landing pages How to create a scalable backlink program The role of responding to current trends for products How to reach thousands of people through your blog An opportunity that even Canva has overlooked So if you want to scale up your content, get more traffic and create a content marketing engine that runs as smooth as butter, you’re going to love today’s essay. This is the story of how Canva was able to create a backlink empire. Let’s get started.Want SaaS teardowns delivered to your inbox?Sign up for the Foundation Labs newsletter today.JOIN THE LAB Using Search Intent To Inspire Landing Pages Canva has two key landing pages for most of their use cases: A page for discovery and a page for creation.  Check out the examples below. On the left, we have a page for people who want to design a certificate, and on the right we have a landing page for people looking for certificate templates. Both types of searchers are trying to find a solution like Canva, but the way they view their problem is different. The landing page on the left, which is ranking for phrases like “design certificates” and “create certificates,” gets 16,000 visits a month. The landing page on the right, which ranks for phrases like “certificate template” and “free certificate template,” generates 33,000 hits a month. Both of these landing pages have a role to play in Canva’s SEO strategy, which we’ll dive into throughout this essay. But at the core, Canva’s success with these landing pages comes down to a few fundamental ideas: Understanding the intent of the person using Google Develop a parent and child relationship for other landing pages Create a scalable landing page structure An investment in backlink outreach Creating a strong content culture Understand the intent of the person using Google Search intent is a fundamental part of SEO, but it’s often overlooked by marketers and content creators. Most SEOs only focus on keyword volume when they should be thinking about the intent behind those keywords. Search intent is the goal a person has when they type a query into a search engine. There are four key types of online search intent: Informational: Looking for information (e.g., “who is Prince?”) Navigational: Looking to get somewhere specific (e.g., “Canva blog”) Transactional: Looking for an asset to buy, use or download (e.g., “create invitation”) Investigational: Trying to compare assets (e.g., “Canva vs. Adobe Spark”) Let’s revisit those two landing pages from Canva. Both appeal to transactional intent, but one landing page attracts those who want to do something (“create certificates”) while the other attracts those who want to discover something (“free certificate template”). Using terms from Canva’s site architecture, we’ll call these two types “Create Pages” and “Template Pages.” Create Pages: Use Case CertificatesTitle: Free online certificate maker: create custom designs onlineTop Keywords: certificate maker, create certificate, make your own certificateVolume: 16,000 / month Template Pages: Use Case CertificatesTitle: Customize 1,649+ certificates templates onlineTop Keywords: certificate template, free certificate template, award certificate templateVolume: 32,400 / month Landing Pages & A Directory For Niche Intent & Use Cases One of the strategies that Canva has embraced to perfection is the use of content directories focused on different use cases and long tail keywords. The site architecture being used for both do (Create) and discover (Template) pages is a thing of beauty: For example in the the do (create) pages for “invitations” the URL would be: / templates / search / invitations / save-the-date / invitations is the asset and / save-the-date is the niche-asset For the discover (template) pages for invitations the URL would be: / Create / Invitations That URL would have a link that then drove back to various invitation templates like: / templates / search / invitations / save-the-date / templates / search / invitations / christmas / templates / search / invitations / wedding / templates / search / invitations / baby-shower Across the entire site, we found that Canva has more than 55 parent pages, each with up to 78 child pages. For example, here’s a look at the parent and child relationship for landing pages focused on “Invitations” and the various keyword variations that make up child landing pages (aka niche types of invitations): This isn’t even all of the child pages for invitations. There are 73 of them in total! But each of these child pages has been able to capture quite a few backlinks and as a result generate a significant amount of traffic. The “Invitations” category alone has 900 backlinks and generates more than 65,000 organic visitors per month across the parent and child pages. WHY BACKLINKS MATTER: Backlinks are valuable for SEO because they act as a vote of confidence from one site to another. Search engines track backlinks to determine the trustworthiness of your content—the more links your page can get from other trusted pages, the better that page will look to search engines. All resource metrics can be analyzed and monitored by a backlink management tool, which will show the authority of the domains, links types (dofollow or noffolow), website traffic, etc. Here’s a snapshot of the distribution

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Some Important SEO Trends To Keep an Eye On!!

Before discussing the importance of SEO, it’s important to first consider the most fundamental question: what is SEO? The method of increasing the amount and content of user traffic to a website or webpage is known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. This aims to boost the popularity of organic search results. It just contains unpaid traffic from the search engine results page (SERP). Any of the increasing SEO developments include expanded smartphone search, featured snippets, and voice search. Here’s a rundown of eight of the most critical and well-known SEO themes. Page Speed: One of the most significant SEO patterns is page speed. Around the planet, SEO firms and organizations have conducted extensive studies into how and to what extent page speed affects a website’s rankings. However, it is now well accepted that the time it takes a website to load has a significant impact on and impacts the user experience. In today’s digitized world, where we can access most information in a fraction of a second, a slow website makes a bad impact on consumers. A high bounce rate is normally caused by a sluggish website. To put it another way, the longer it takes for a website or a site to load, the more likely users are to leave the page or site unexpectedly. Internal linking: Internal linking on a website is another significant, but often overlooked SEO technique that has earned a spot in the SEO trends. Internal linking allows one page on a website to connect to another page on the same website. Internal linking allows Google to find and index the sites on a website. This aids Google in comprehending the layout of a website. It becomes impossible for Google or a customer to access and explore a page that is far removed from the website’s home page and is not easily connected by internal connections. The number of times a website is connected internally by Google indicates its significance and popularity. Crawling: When discussing SEO Trends, it’s crucial to remember crawling. “Crawling is the exploration process in which search engines dispatch a squad of robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find new and modified content,” according to The definition of ‘content’ is a broad term that refers to a variety of things. A pdf file, a photograph, a video, an audio file, or a webpage are all possibilities. This material, on the other hand, can only be found and accessed via links. If Google is unable to crawl a page, it will not be indexed in the SERP trends, and users will not be able to navigate it. Before leaving the website, the Googlebot can crawl a certain amount of URLs. The crawl budget is the average number of URLs crawled by Googlebot. Website owners and publishers must figure out a way to increase the crawl budget so that relevant pages on the web can be crawled. Featured Snippets: If we don’t have Featured Snippets in our list of SEO themes, it will be incomplete. Featured Snippets are a type of SERP pattern that displays concise findings in a block without requiring users to click on a particular website. This snippet is taken from the highest-ranking website in any region, and it appears below the paid advertising and above the first organic result. The term “featured snippet” is described by Google. Some of the featured snippets are paragraph snippet, list type, table-type, numbered, video-type snippets. The higher a website’s score on the SERP, the better the user interface it provides. As a result, website owners and publishers who are serious about growing their companies and achieving higher targets should keep an eye on the above SEO trends. Websites will only outperform competitors if they participate in and integrate these patterns through strategic solutions and creativity.

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