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ENHANCED THE SALE AND CUSTOMER BASE Having an ecommerce website, the client wanted to generate more leads and get increased regular sales. They wanted us to: What we Did RESULTS:  With the challenge of increasing the revenue and sales, we carved the shopping campaigns with products to enhance the sales and customer base. These campaigns specifically targeted product based keywords.



INCREASED POTENTIAL LEADS AND DECREASED CPC Having a service based website, the client demanded generation of better potential leads and got increased regular yet relevant traffic. They wanted us to: What we did? The Result So we have got a challenge to increase potential leads & decrease CPC (click per cost ) . We created a Search campaign & display campaign to improve the leads and customer support. These campaigns precisely targeted keywords. Our optimised campaigns with interactive graphics and marketing tactics worked great to improve their revenue by converting the leads.



REDUCED COST PER LEAD BY 85%  BACKGROUND:  The client sells high end quality home goods that have a price starting from $5k+. BEFORE: Below is the picture of how it looked when it was handed to us.  Cost: $2,020 Conversion Rate: 0.34% Conversions: 5 Cost Per Conversion: $403 FOCUSED POINTS So as we know that tracking and data is important for a setup campaign. Without it, you can’t find out what campaigns are actually working, so we will never be able to make decisions about what to keep, cut, or scale. What we did:  In google ads, we have “ad groups” which include a set of keywords that you’re bidding on, and the ad copy that will be displayed when people use those keywords in their searches. When a generic ad pops up, it won’t necessarily match exactly what we are looking for, and that can increase your costs since your CTR (click through rate) is too low. What we did:  From these major optimizations and our daily management, following are the results we saw by the end of June, 2019. Just with these few strategies, we can see that the cost per conversion dropped over 40% since the beginning. A common problem that we see is that people often are driving traffic to their website, but that website isn’t as optimised as it can be for the conversion they want. When a visitor lands on a page, we have to make it extremely clear what we want them to do, and eliminate all other distractions. A landing page has one primary CTA (Call To Action), the page copy is written around the customer and exactly the keywords you’re bidding on, and there are no links to other destinations. In this case, this client’s account was sending traffic directly to their website, but there was a ton of room for conversion rate optimization. What we did:  RESULTS:  So as a result, by setting up proper tracking, optimising the campaign with our specific process, and implementing a focused landing page, we were able to drop their CPL (Cost Per Lead) by over 85%.


In Late July, Advertisers Won’t be Able to Generate New BMM Keywords!

By the end of July 2021, Google plans to scale out broad match modifier (BMM) keywords. You won’t be able to construct new BMM (Broad Match modifier) keywords using the +keyword notation. “Existing BMM keywords, on the other hand, will continue to operate with the updated phrase matching behavior,” Google stated. The properties of the ad, such as the bid and status, may still be changed, but if you want to change the keyword text, you’ll have to convert it to phrase match”. It’s a good idea to convert your keywords if you haven’t already because current BMM keywords are already processed with the extended-phrase match behavior. You’ll be able to gather new keyword metrics sooner rather than later now that you’re not dealing with a deprecated match type. It may also make account management simpler. Use the “Remove redundant keywords” advice to spotlight the BMM keywords when the term occurs as a phrase match in the same ad group. To make your job easier, Google has provided bulk edit solutions within Google Ads and Google Ads Editor, allowing you to quickly change BMM terms to the match type you require. A BMM keyword is removed and replaced with a new keyword of the same match type when it is converted. This means that the statistics for the new keyword will start again, but advertisers will still be able to access the previous performance data for the old BMM term. Predictably, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified wide match type gives them greater power. Rather, it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, they claim. “As a result of this change, accounts that rely heavily on phrase match keywords might expect a rise in ad impressions, clicks, expenditures, and even conversions. With the ‘more broad phrase’ match, these keywords will be more versatile, allowing businesses to reach visitors they couldn’t previously.” According to Google, this change is going to bring the best of broad match modifiers into phrase matches. The reason for this, according to Google, is that phrase match and broad match modified keywords “often serve the same use cases, and that by combining the two, you may reach more of the appropriate customers.” This update also gives you greater control over your keywords and makes it easier to manage them in your account (by saving you time spent monitoring particular phrases). However, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified broad match type will offer them greater impact. Instead, they claim that it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, with Google in charge. Advertisers may see an increase or decrease in traffic. User queries that previously matched to keywords in one match type may now be eligible to match to a phrase or a historical BMM keyword, resulting in a shift in volume. As a result, marketers must monitor their accounts and, if required, adjust their spending to match the increasing volume. A list of other outstanding practices is also included in the document.

In Late July, Advertisers Won’t be Able to Generate New BMM Keywords! Read More »

A Day At Google Office – Google Attribution 360 and Analytics Master Class – Gurugram, India

Yesterday was really something. Got up early in the morning as we were going to visit Google India. Day started with a really hectic journey of 6 hours 260 Kilo ms. Google held a special seminar for Agents and its paid campaign users.  The class was called #ProductMasterclass. There we get to know tips and tricks about #AdwordsSearch, #DoubleClickCampaignManagement, #Analytics&Analytics360*, #Attribution360. The main thing we learned about was Attribution 360. It is product that coming really soon in India but is already working in United States. This is going to to be big transformation in #PaidMarketing as it will provide you such a great statistic view with the help of which you may boost the results far much faster than its been done till now. The class was for more than  7 hours and we really enjoyed our visit there. The instructors were very highly expert in their work and the way they taught us was really great. We had laugh out’s there we had serious discussion’s and last but not least we had a great meal. Google is really serious in what they do. Google’s pantry was far much bigger that my office. And serving different kind of meals. A day well spent. Thanks

A Day At Google Office – Google Attribution 360 and Analytics Master Class – Gurugram, India Read More »

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