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The client sells high end quality home goods that have a price starting from $5k+.


Below is the picture of how it looked when it was handed to us. 

Cost: $2,020

Conversion Rate: 0.34%

Conversions: 5

Cost Per Conversion: $403


  1. Know Exactly Where Every Cent Is Going With Proper Tracking

So as we know that tracking and data is important for a setup campaign.

Without it, you can’t find out what campaigns are actually working, so we will never be able to make decisions about what to keep, cut, or scale.

What we did: 

  • We set up all new triggers and tags inside of Google Tag Manager which then sent the data back to Google Analytics and Google Ads. 
  • We do use Google Tag Manager in every account so that all data is going to one place and then being properly sorted.
  • Also, It is very easy to trace if there are any problems, and we only have to put one tracking code, Google Tag Manager, onto our pages.
  1. Increasing CTR With Streamlined Ad Groups & Ad Copy

In google ads, we have “ad groups” which include a set of keywords that you’re bidding on, and the ad copy that will be displayed when people use those keywords in their searches. When a generic ad pops up, it won’t necessarily match exactly what we are looking for, and that can increase your costs since your CTR (click through rate) is too low.

What we did: 

  • We created all new ads with headlines & descriptions that included the specific keyword in each one. 
  • This is one of the most important steps to a high converting campaign because of how valuable the user experience is.
  • Making changes not only increased the ad relevance score but also made the user experience seamless for what they’re searching for.

From these major optimizations and our daily management, following are the results we saw by the end of June, 2019.

  • Cost: $1,690
  • Conversion Rate: 0.42%
  • Conversions: 7
  • Cost Per Conversion: $241

Just with these few strategies, we can see that the cost per conversion dropped over 40% since the beginning.

  1. Increasing Conversions With Landing Pages

A common problem that we see is that people often are driving traffic to their website, but that website isn’t as optimised as it can be for the conversion they want. When a visitor lands on a page, we have to make it extremely clear what we want them to do, and eliminate all other distractions. A landing page has one primary CTA (Call To Action), the page copy is written around the customer and exactly the keywords you’re bidding on, and there are no links to other destinations.

In this case, this client’s account was sending traffic directly to their website, but there was a ton of room for conversion rate optimization.

What we did: 

  • To start this campaign up a few more notches we needed a dedicated landing page.
  • So we started with one of the signature landing pages that encourage traffic to opt-in to view their current inventory and pricing.
  • We included a simple but to the point headline, a carefully crafted benefits section, and a clear Call-To-Action, all in a well designed, beautiful landing page.


So as a result, by setting up proper tracking, optimising the campaign with our specific process, and implementing a focused landing page, we were able to drop their CPL (Cost Per Lead) by over 85%.

  • Cost: $1,820
  • Conversion Rate: 1.19%
  • Conversions: 32
  • Cost Per Conversion: $56.90

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