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SEO Case Study: In Just 12 Months – Zero to 100,000 visitors

Explanation of how I effectively increased traffic to a brand new website without using any hacks or tricks. You require more visitors. More people who visit your website leads to more impressions, more signups, more purchases — more revenue. But how can you get more visitors from search results that are growing more crowded, diversified, and changing in the way they are delivered? Obviously, with SEO Today, I’d like to discuss a technique that we’ve established at Siege Media for gaining links, web visibility, and increasing web traffic for our clients. I’ll show you how I built a site’s SEO strategy from zero to 100,000 visitors — and offer important takeaways that you can use in your own strategy. The following was the broad outline of our strategy: Let’s get started with the case study: As we had complete control over the website, it was much easy to correctly credit the organic gains to the SEO work we were doing and also to offer SEO recommendations along the way. To maintain the website’s confidentiality, I’ve additionally anonymized the data. We knew there would be restrictions, starting with a fresh site.  At first, we concentrated on opportunities with little competition and a high traffic value. We utilized Semrush to estimate the worth of traffic and manual research to identify competitors.  We looked for results using the following keywords in the search engine results pages (SERPs): For [life insurance quotes in California], here’s an example of this sort of SERP: Although several well-known brands rank (State Farm and GEICO), there is also a poor exact-match domain result: When you click on this link, you’ll see that the content is of poor quality: In the SERP, there are also some bad results: Finding results with these sorts of pages would encourage us that we could easily create something that searchers would choose. After identifying the possible opportunities, we create the best-in-class content to target those particular SERPs. To differentiate our content from others in the space we made use of: By creating content that satisfies the user’s intent & query, we set our pages up to be successful in SERPs. The links of the pages are required to rank in the search results. The amount of links required to be competitive, however, varies by page, site, niche, query type, and so on. In addition, search engines have improved their link evaluation algorithms, putting a greater focus on quality rather than quantity. What we gained by working on this project was that bottom-of-the-funnel pages just require a few high-quality links to rank high and that positive interaction signals will help search engines recognize the page as an authority. Obtaining connections to bottom-of-the-funnel pages is, of course, extremely hard because these pages are rarely link-worthy. These pages aren’t meant to inform or entertain; they’re meant to generate conversions, which doesn’t always encourage other sites to connect to them. There are a few situations where providing direct value to your site matches with the aims of other websites, and link opportunities exist. Hyper-focused link pages that are related to your content are included in these chances. Using the same insurance example, this page would be a hyper-relevant links page for a pet insurance company: Because of the limitations of some situations, this technique isn’t viable for a long-term, large-scale campaign.  However, we discovered that in order to be successful with bottom-of-the-funnel pages, you only need to execute on a select handful of these opportunities.  Opportunities that are available to Bottom-of-the-funnel-pages consists of: egobait – a certain person, brand, product, or service is mentioned on your page, for example. Unique product/ service- resource pages that list the small number of vendors available Discounts or promotions — the linking site’s audience is eligible for exclusive discounts. Local — resource pages that are only available to vendors and service providers. Reviews — Pages that provide feedback on your product or service With these techniques, you won’t be able to establish a long-term link acquisition campaign, but you will be able to gain a few quality links to your converting pages and increase your site’s initial engagement. Link building is a task! Link acquisition is a never-ending process. Former Googler Matt Cutts characterized link building as “sweat plus creativity,” which is also my favorite definition. We tried to develop passive link acquisition channels to amplify all our link-building efforts since acquiring connections is so tough — yet we knew we needed links to boost traffic. We used high-quality, unique photographs as part of our content strategy, and this gave a great chance to gain passive links. Instead of copyrighting or watermarking our photographs, we chose a Creative Commons license that enabled anyone to use them as long as they credited the utilizing traffic increases source (on our site). For example, in the screenshot below, Ars Technica is citing the photo they used for their article. Even large publications like these require excellent photography, which they frequently obtain from Creative Commons or other places. Other organic techniques to gain links, in addition to having your photos cited, include: The idea is to come up with something unique and then make it simple for others to reference (link to) you as the source. Content drives SEO success. It’s possible to gain a few connections to bottom-of-the-funnel pages but to sustainably attract attention and links, you’ll need middle and top-of-the-funnel content. It’s always a good idea to create useful content for your audience, but you can take it a step further by being deliberate and smart about what you share. We maintained a relentless focus on SEO — creating every page with search, and the opportunities available to us, in mind. To calculate the opportunity, we compared Semrush traffic value against the utilizing competition level. We may examine potential opportunities using the example of “pet insurance.” This site, for example, is ranked first and is estimated to be worth $31.2K by Semrush: However, it appears that this SERP has a lot of competition,

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SAAS SEO Case Study – From 100 to 22,000 Visits In 8 Months

This client was both non-US and even Non-English – It’s a French Site.  We had to first create an English-US version of the website and enable a multi-language website. The domain was receiving barely zero visits from Google and even less from the English version. Audit We always start with an audit. This site had no penalties, it just wasn’t getting much traffic. They were slightly over-optimized for their money keywords, having 1 exact match at 28% and another at 25%. This wasn’t a big deal, as they just didn’t have many links, but still a consideration. Analyze – Find “Hidden Money Keywords” This website had fewer keywords ranked than some other sites. Traffic is also lower than other niches, but it will convert higher since there is higher intent. We found 43 terms with traffic between 20 – 18000 searches a month, with CPC between .20c – $25 a click. We started by focusing on some high priorities around the $4-$5 a click range. Competitive Gap We found 31 terms between 20 – 1,600 million searches per month with CPC between .10 – $3. Some of these were local areas they hadn’t targeted yet, some of these were popular brand names of organizations that they work with, and some of these were great keywords for services they offer that they don’t have content for yet, or weren’t optimizing. We showed them all of these. Their first commitment with us was placed on May 2017, and a few weeks after that, they got a nice bump. They started ramping up orders with us around July 2017 with a mix of SEO Link Building, Press Releases, Blog Content, and Guest Posts: Example of one of their money Keywords: Keyword: Request For Proposal Search Volume: 18,200 searches per month Results in Google: 274,000,000 Not Bad! This keyword alone brings them around 6,000 visits per month! When you know that 98% of people stay on the first page of Google search results (And 75% only look at the first 3 results), this is a place you don’t want to miss. Remember we have limited options, this is an international AND foreign language without any traffic, so here’s what the strategy looked like: Month 1 Month 2-6 Month 7 and 8 BOOM! What’s even cooler is that to get up to 20,000 visits in 8 Month, the Organic SEO cost was only $24.000. However, for the same results the analytics software Semrush is reporting an equivalent pay per click cost of $63k PER MONTH. $63,000 per month = $756k per year they would have to spend on PPC advertising to get the same results! Takeaway The takeaway from this is that consistency is key. As you can see from the charts above, their traffic is regularly increasing and bringing more clients months after month. By using our SEO strategy, you can uncover big wins for consistent results. No matter what type of business you are in, we probably have a solution for you. In addition, it’s important to not focus on tons of traffic – focus on the RIGHT TARGETED traffic.

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Importance of Topical Authority, Coverage, and Contextual Hierarchy for SEO: From 0 to 128.000 in 123 Days and 12.000 Organic Clicks per Day

Mostly through a real-world SEO Case Study, using Contextual and Conceptual Hierarchies with Topical Graphs to satisfy all the macro and micro Search Intent inside a Semantic Search Network will be presented in this SEO case study. This compromises four different kinds of SEO stories & projects. In 123 days, the primary SEO project went from 0 to 128.000 organic traffic and 12.000 organic clicks per day in 162 days. This article covers SEO Terminology, Theories, and Concepts at a high & advanced level. It also includes an Executive Summary. You’ll see the background of the four SEO Projects and the similar methodology’s consistent SEO outcomes below. Also if you want, you can read a shorter executive summary that focuses on the Second Site’s SEO Project mainly and contains only actionable points that have been published on OnCrawl. You’ll see the past 28 Days Comparison from 27th of November, Google Search Console below: This Google Search Console screenshot has been taken on 5th December, Saturday as the Last 28 Days Comparison. On November 27th, this screenshot was captured. Below, you’ll see the Last 28 Day comparison from the 29th day of December. The traffic has been doubled every month, and for the last month, it has been tripled. You will see the Last 28 Days comparison below from the 29th day of January. And, this is the last 28 Day Comparison until date. You’ll see the last 6-month graphic from Google Search Console. A view of SEO journey. Google released two minor Google Updates on November 14th, 15th, and 17th. The featured snippet amount has been decreased by 2.5% globally. Only a few positions altered. There was also a server crash on the same day. We also lost all of our Featured Snippets in a single day. The second decrease on the graph for the Google Search Console Screenshot for the SEO Case Study Site was caused by Google’s January 2020 Broad Core Algorithm Update. My major purpose for this SEO project is to generate 1 million organic sessions in 12 months. But I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to achieve this after losing these two minor Google Updates that are primarily focused on Featured Snippets and maybe coming Passage Indexing. Below is a screenshot was taken on December 6, 2020, two days following the December Core Algorithm Update. As you can see, I was able to recoup the majority of the lost traffic by being consistent. We’ll show how Google looks for the user’s satisfaction after a click and how a URL may be more authoritative and satisfying for the users and Google’s algorithm in terms of the information and function it includes. You’ll see the graphic for all of November 2020 below: Comparison of Organic Traffic in November 2020 for the SEO Case Study. You’ll see the December 2020 Organic Traffic Report from Google Search Console below You may observe there is an increase of around 100% or even more for every month – December 2020 Organic Traffic Situation. In this SEO Case Study, I’ll concentrate on the actual strength of SEO’s theoretical side on SERP. I know at this point, everybody must have the same question on your mind. Normally I would not reveal the website’s identity because the project’s goal is to reach 1 million organic sessions per month, and the SEO effort is still growing. However, Elias Dabbas, whom I regard as a mentor, provided me with “as always” reasonable comments. You can see the rapid traffic increase from SEMRush’s Organic Search Sensors for the “First Site”. That’s why I’m explaining the name of the domain. More importantly, you may view “Most Prestigious SEO Crawler: OnCrawl Review,” Google Search Console Data for the relevant domain, and all Technical SEO Analysis. So you can see that with simply “Semantic SEO” and SEO, I was able to accomplish meaningful results with a website that had a lot of mistakes. is the name of the website (First Site). As you can see, all of the organic traffic growth success was based only on SEO Theories and Semantic SEO, not on Technical SEO, Pagespeed Optimization, Brand Power, or Advanced Layout Design, as I said and explained throughout the article.

Importance of Topical Authority, Coverage, and Contextual Hierarchy for SEO: From 0 to 128.000 in 123 Days and 12.000 Organic Clicks per Day Read More »

How We Helped a Spanish Manufacturer

In early October 2018, a plastic manufacturer from Spain came to us for help. Their biggest complaint was that the website was not generating any leads after more than 8 months of paying 2 different SEO companies. When we did a high-level site audit, we noticed that BOTH her previous SEO agencies had only been doing spammy back-linking to the site. They even created tens of “thin” and useless content that was written using a software called an article spinner. This software spins dozens of spammy variations of the same article and publish them on free blog pages such as Blogspot, Medium, hosted WordPress, etc. They then use “exact match” anchor text to back-link to the client’s site. This is the typical Web2.0 SEO blackhat technique that was very prevalent among cheap SEO services. It is based on the archaic idea that if there are many backlinks to a site, then it must be popular and should rank highly. Initially, traffic increased to the site but they were purely rubbish ones which came from untargeted traffic, mainly from spammers. See the chart below on what happened next. In July, the website was penalized by Google and traffic to it almost totally stopped. The client did not actually feel the pinch because in the very first place, even though traffic was coming in, none of it resulted in leads nor business. This time, not only there were still no leads, there was also no traffic coming in. DigiWolves took over the client in late October 2018 and we immediately went to work. We contacted Google to disavow all the spammy backlinks and rubbish “thin content” that was linking back to the client’s website. Next, we started creating strong content and silo-ing these to their important product pages to give “topical relevance” to each product. Then, we did banklink outreach to related blogs and also increased local/international citations for the site. Our team worked hard to speed up the site by reworking on its internal site structure. We also optimized each and every page of the site by putting proper schema markups, header-tags, descriptions, etc. One other major challenge of the site was because of its 2 different languages (Spanish and English). Each of the language version was totally cannibalizing the other in terms of keyword ranking in Google. This resulted in what we call the “Google dance” where Google does not know which page in the site is to rank for the targeted keywords. Our SEO Solution We splitted up the site into 2 different sub-domains and optimized them separately. The Spanish version was optimized for local search and the English one for international. At the same time, we helped them claim their “Google My Business (GMB)” asset and linked it to the local Spanish version of the site. This totally helped to rank highly in Google’s Spain database for local search and also on Google Maps. After we took over, the website came out of the Google ban in early 2019 and traffic has been soaring ever since. The manufacturer has increased its sales support team just to reply to dozens of incoming and genuine leads per week. All of them came from global and local clients that found the website using hundreds of high-intent product search terms in Google. Conclusion SEO is NOT only about tweaking page titles, header-tags, meta-descriptions or keyword-stuffing. For the cheap and bundled SEO packages you see everywhere online, back-linking is their most toxic weapon of choice as it can be outsourced cheaply to VAs (Virtual Assistants) on Fiverr or Those mentioned above are very basic and crude “tactical” SEO techniques but the higher-level STRATEGY is not addressed. To rank highly on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page), your website needs to be handled holistically. There are more than 200 ranking factors in Google and each of the factors have different weightages, depending on situations. And.. loads more other subjective situations. If an SEO agency has no understanding from a strategic-level but only on a tactical-level, then oftentimes, they will use aggressive tactics that can get your website banned. Feel free to talk to us on our online chat or just submit your questions on our contact form. We would love to advice if you need help.

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How We Boosted SEO Traffic by 600% in 24 Months!!

I always thought SEO studies with this kind of title were written by snake oil salesmen. After all, stating you raised someone’s organic traffic by 600% can’t be real, right and especially when that person is a multiple-time New York Times best-selling author who already had a lot of traffic.  I didn’t think it could have been several years ago. Back then, I tried every SEO technique I could that is known to man in hopes, thinking if any of them could work. What Did I Do: Sad reality? The majority of my efforts went in vain. But I didn’t sit idle. I kept chugging along, and very soon I found such strategies & tricks that resulted in some real traction. And I doubled down on these. Guess what happened next? Yeah, these few things helped me in gaining surprising results. And I’m here to share the main areas on which I focused to finally gain better results and which helped my biggest client the massive success with SEO so that you can also use these strategies. Keep in mind this is a single case study on SEO One important thing before we dive in: I’m not suggesting that what I’ll be sharing here is the only way to succeed with SEO. Some strategies that worked great for me might not work for you at all as every campaign & niche will have different nuances. That said, there are numerous ideas in this case study that can be applied to almost every campaign you’ll ever run. The Starting Point: When I started working for this client, he was generating 20,000 visitors every month from search. Pretty much solid. His webpage ranked for a few competitive keywords as well had between 1,000 to 5,000 monthly search volumes & also received hundreds of email subscribers every month from SEO. However, there was a lot more possibility. He had genuinely amazing content and, since he had so many years of experience and results, the capability to produce incredible content on pretty much any topic in his niche, it was apparent that he had a chance of ranking for nearly any keyword in his niche over time. However, he had a major issue: his content was not optimized, and he required a lot more high-quality links. 4 Strategies That Worked in Gaining More Traffic I began by identifying all of his blog’s greatest content assets in terms of traffic (with Google Analytics and Google Search Console). He had hundreds of blog posts, but just 10 out of them received regular traffic. And hence I took down 90% of the content on his blogs.  What exactly did I do with it? I categorized each post in one of the two buckets.  Any existing content with untapped potential was placed in this bucket. Content would be placed in this bucket if it: * It wasn’t ranking well for some great keyword opportunities (high search volume and minimal organic competition)  * Had unique insights & practical steps for the users that could be elaborated on And only five of the posts fell under this category. I had the author add a lot of information and new sections based on long-tail keywords to each of these posts. After finishing, I updated the publish date in WordPress, and without changing the URL, promoting this as a new post. The majority of these posts were either written on extremely specialized topics with little search volume or contained content that was relevant to one of the content assets we kept. I unpublished all the posts which didn’t have any SEO potential and set up a 301 redirect to the homepage or to the relevant content asset. I kept these as unpublished drafts so that the content could be used for future posts.  If a post’s content was substantially similar to one of our content assets, we 301 redirected the post to the asset. He only had approximately 30 blog posts left at the end of the content audit (including those we revamped). But, within a few months, he was generating more traffic than he had ever received before as every blog was extremely helpful, valuable, and SEO-driven. Not just did this content audit lead us to gain 600% more traffic, but we required more links. To compete in organic search results, you already know that you need to develop high-quality links. I tried as well, however it didn’t help me acquire those links at first. I was sending hundreds of outreach emails each week and getting just a 1% conversion rate at best… until I rethought my outreach strategy. Even after following the tactics experts told me to work on in the blog posts I read, I didn’t get results. And when these strategies on which I was working on didn’t work, I started looking for some new angles. I even started providing free access to my author’s courses and membership sites regardless of whether or not someone clicked on my link. And over time, I discovered something: if you have excellent content, go out to someone who has already linked to or produced comparable content, and provide them with tremendous value, you’ll see amazing conversion rates. Building links regularly, I also coordinated with the author side by side to create new SEO-driven content.  By SEO-driven, I mean content created using the relevant keyword opportunities available in his niche. Many individuals create content and then look for a keyword to “optimize” it for. If you want your content to rank, this is backward. You’re simply choosing keywords out of a hat with various levels of competition, rather than discovering amazing keyword opportunities your site can rank for. You could get lucky a few times and find a low-competition keyword that you can rank for with your pre-written content, but you won’t be successful most of the time, and you’ll find it difficult to rank for anything. So, before we generated any new material, I conducted extensive keyword research to identify

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Hardware Manufacturer Reached Max Capacity Through SEO Content Strategy

This client is a bulk contract hardware manufacturer. One of the major challenges we identified when we first spoke to them was that the company is in a very targeted niche. Since they do not deal with end-customer products, the search volumes for most of their ‘money keywords’ was low. The bright side, however, is that every single lead that converts into a customer has a very high lifetime value (LTV) in terms of revenues. Although the competition is fierce, the cost-per-click (CPC) for the major keywords is above 10 USD. Our SEO Strategy 1. Created a Comprehensive Content Strategy Our team figured out the company’s most valuable keyword and wrote a 2000-word pillar article along with relevant images and links. We then built a topic cluster around this piece, that consisted of secondary articles related to the main one. Although the article was published in May 2019, it wasn’t able to attract Google’s attention since the domain was new. It was time to move on to the next step.. 2. Executed Aggressive Backlink Outreach Campaign Our outreach team planned to secure opportunities for backlinks from other websites in the same niche so that we would get some links to the pillar and cluster articles. 3. Layered on More Content Strengthening a website’s existing content has almost always brought results in the past, so we used that strategy here as well. As soon as we began to see some of the keywords appearing in the lower SERPs (Search Engine Results Page) of Google, we revisited the pillar content and layered it with more valuable and helpful information for readers. The article was now a hefty 3000 words, and we created some more secondary articles around it. After a month, the number of keywords being indexed in Google increased, with some long-tail keywords even appearing on the first page of SERP. The content was now driving 80-90% of traffic to the site and getting the client dozens of high-value inquiries. In late August 2019, we updated more content on the article, and the traffic began to explode. Most of the high-value keywords were ranking high in Google, and some even captured the coveted ‘rich snippet’ real estate on the SERPs! Results This is a classic case of how carefully researched articles and a well-planned content strategy play a vital role in bringing search traffic to the site. The pillar content and topic cluster bring in 80% of traffic to the brand new site. Most of our client’s leads come through this traffic. Additionally, there were more than 2,000 keywords indexed in Google, dozens of them on the first and second pages. All these keywords were generic ones and did NOT include the client’s brand or website name. These were, of course, ranked between positions 1 and 3 in SERP in almost all Google local country databases. Our client started to rank globally for major ‘money keywords’, getting valuable leads from various places. The business grew to its maximum production capacity.

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Neurological & EEG Diagnostic Center: How We Improved The Conversion Rate from 0.31% to 14% in Just 3 weeks.

Neurological & EEG Diagnostic Center: How We Improved The Conversion Rate from 0.31% to 14% in Just 3 weeks.  We met Victor through an online marketing channel and he is running a Digital Marketing Company. He runs a digital marketing agency based in Australia and hire’s specialists from all over the world. So they already had someone working for them on this project but no success. They were spending a good amount but still very few leads and even those were not the right ones. We started Working on this project on: 20 Oct, 2021. What We Analysed: They were targeting the Whole USA, but it was supposed to be the local area only. Poor selection of landing pages. Poor selection of keywords. Poor keywords match type selection. Wrong audience age targeting Display network selected. Stats from May Month to Oct Month 2021 Clicks: 6,769Spend: $633.06Impressions: 237,255CTR: 2.85%Average CPC: $0.09Conversions: 21Cost Conversion: $30.15Conversion Rate: 0.31%Phone Calls: 4Overall Conversions: 25Overall Conversion Rate: 0.37% What Changes We Made: Oct 20,  2021 to Jan 28, 2022 (Current Date) After all the analysis and problems we found, we worked on the following things. We created a landing page for services. To improve the conversions and to land the user on the right page for the right keywords. We searched the keywords again and handpicked the most profitable keywords for the services and location. Improved the ad copies according to the keywords and landing page on the basis of user behavior. Location targeted on the basis of the business targeted area. 20 Miles Radius only. Selected the age group. See the results in the next image. Stats from Oct 21, 2021 to Jan 28, 2022 (Current Date) Clicks: 1,805Spend: $4,053Impressions: 54,032CTR: 3.34%Average CPC: $2.25Conversions: 157Cost Conversion: $25.82Conversion Rate: 8.70%Phone Calls: 87Overall COnversions: 244Overall Conversion Rate: 13.52% Outcome: Notes:Cheaper CPC Doesn’t mean you are doing Good.Target the right locationSelect the right keywordsCreate a converting landing page, this is very important.Communication is the key.

Neurological & EEG Diagnostic Center: How We Improved The Conversion Rate from 0.31% to 14% in Just 3 weeks. Read More »

Power of Great Content – Case Study: 0 to 30,000 Visits / Month In 6 Months

How did we achieve this? The truth is, there’s been a lot of work to generate these results.SEO is hard and complex. To simplify the results to a single strategy would be disingenuous and misleading. But if I had to distill the three most important components, they would be: KEYWORD CLUSTERING -> TOPICAL AUTHORITY A keyword clustering process that helped us formulate a topical authority content strategy. We used KeyClusters to generate 100s of article ideas across 6 main silos. From these, we prioritized 150 articles based on keyword volume, difficulty, and relevance. BULK CONTENT CREATION -> PUBLISHING VELOCITY We ran every article through Frase to calculate the word count. This gave us a total required word count of 200k words for 150 articles. Our team produces 1 million words a month so we have the in-house systems for bulk content creation. We then deployed our publishing system to drive fast indexation. Drip feeding a few articles every month will take years to see results. The faster you publish the quicker you’ll rank. ON-PAGE SEO -> SILO’ED INTERLINKING We used a streamlined on-page SEO process that prioritized silo’ed interlinking. We focussed on the 80:20 of on-page SEO. Specifically the following: URL slug -> targeting primary keyword Header Title and Meta Title -> targeting primary keyword Headers (H2, H3) -> hierarchical and targeting keyword variations Images -> every 250-350 words with keyword variation alt tags External links -> to authoritative (non-competitive) sources Internal links -> to other articles in the same silo on exact or close match anchors I can’t stress enough the importance of internal linking within a silo. The idea here is to connect up your articles on anchor texts that signal to Google what each article is about. Not only does this help with indexation, but when you start scoring backlinks, these authority signals will flow throughout your site and help other pages rank. Any questions, just ask in the comments. 

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In Late July, Advertisers Won’t be Able to Generate New BMM Keywords!

By the end of July 2021, Google plans to scale out broad match modifier (BMM) keywords. You won’t be able to construct new BMM (Broad Match modifier) keywords using the +keyword notation. “Existing BMM keywords, on the other hand, will continue to operate with the updated phrase matching behavior,” Google stated. The properties of the ad, such as the bid and status, may still be changed, but if you want to change the keyword text, you’ll have to convert it to phrase match”. It’s a good idea to convert your keywords if you haven’t already because current BMM keywords are already processed with the extended-phrase match behavior. You’ll be able to gather new keyword metrics sooner rather than later now that you’re not dealing with a deprecated match type. It may also make account management simpler. Use the “Remove redundant keywords” advice to spotlight the BMM keywords when the term occurs as a phrase match in the same ad group. To make your job easier, Google has provided bulk edit solutions within Google Ads and Google Ads Editor, allowing you to quickly change BMM terms to the match type you require. A BMM keyword is removed and replaced with a new keyword of the same match type when it is converted. This means that the statistics for the new keyword will start again, but advertisers will still be able to access the previous performance data for the old BMM term. Predictably, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified wide match type gives them greater power. Rather, it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, they claim. “As a result of this change, accounts that rely heavily on phrase match keywords might expect a rise in ad impressions, clicks, expenditures, and even conversions. With the ‘more broad phrase’ match, these keywords will be more versatile, allowing businesses to reach visitors they couldn’t previously.” According to Google, this change is going to bring the best of broad match modifiers into phrase matches. The reason for this, according to Google, is that phrase match and broad match modified keywords “often serve the same use cases, and that by combining the two, you may reach more of the appropriate customers.” This update also gives you greater control over your keywords and makes it easier to manage them in your account (by saving you time spent monitoring particular phrases). However, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified broad match type will offer them greater impact. Instead, they claim that it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, with Google in charge. Advertisers may see an increase or decrease in traffic. User queries that previously matched to keywords in one match type may now be eligible to match to a phrase or a historical BMM keyword, resulting in a shift in volume. As a result, marketers must monitor their accounts and, if required, adjust their spending to match the increasing volume. A list of other outstanding practices is also included in the document.

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A Day At Google Office – Google Attribution 360 and Analytics Master Class – Gurugram, India

Yesterday was really something. Got up early in the morning as we were going to visit Google India. Day started with a really hectic journey of 6 hours 260 Kilo ms. Google held a special seminar for Agents and its paid campaign users.  The class was called #ProductMasterclass. There we get to know tips and tricks about #AdwordsSearch, #DoubleClickCampaignManagement, #Analytics&Analytics360*, #Attribution360. The main thing we learned about was Attribution 360. It is product that coming really soon in India but is already working in United States. This is going to to be big transformation in #PaidMarketing as it will provide you such a great statistic view with the help of which you may boost the results far much faster than its been done till now. The class was for more than  7 hours and we really enjoyed our visit there. The instructors were very highly expert in their work and the way they taught us was really great. We had laugh out’s there we had serious discussion’s and last but not least we had a great meal. Google is really serious in what they do. Google’s pantry was far much bigger that my office. And serving different kind of meals. A day well spent. Thanks

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