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Some Important SEO Trends To Keep an Eye On!!

Before discussing the importance of SEO, it’s important to first consider the most fundamental question: what is SEO? The method of increasing the amount and content of user traffic to a website or webpage is known as SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. This aims to boost the popularity of organic search results. It just contains unpaid traffic from the search engine results page (SERP). Any of the increasing SEO developments include expanded smartphone search, featured snippets, and voice search. Here’s a rundown of eight of the most critical and well-known SEO themes. Page Speed: One of the most significant SEO patterns is page speed. Around the planet, SEO firms and organizations have conducted extensive studies into how and to what extent page speed affects a website’s rankings. However, it is now well accepted that the time it takes a website to load has a significant impact on and impacts the user experience. In today’s digitized world, where we can access most information in a fraction of a second, a slow website makes a bad impact on consumers. A high bounce rate is normally caused by a sluggish website. To put it another way, the longer it takes for a website or a site to load, the more likely users are to leave the page or site unexpectedly. Internal linking: Internal linking on a website is another significant, but often overlooked SEO technique that has earned a spot in the SEO trends. Internal linking allows one page on a website to connect to another page on the same website. Internal linking allows Google to find and index the sites on a website. This aids Google in comprehending the layout of a website. It becomes impossible for Google or a customer to access and explore a page that is far removed from the website’s home page and is not easily connected by internal connections. The number of times a website is connected internally by Google indicates its significance and popularity. Crawling: When discussing SEO Trends, it’s crucial to remember crawling. “Crawling is the exploration process in which search engines dispatch a squad of robots (known as crawlers or spiders) to find new and modified content,” according to The definition of ‘content’ is a broad term that refers to a variety of things. A pdf file, a photograph, a video, an audio file, or a webpage are all possibilities. This material, on the other hand, can only be found and accessed via links. If Google is unable to crawl a page, it will not be indexed in the SERP trends, and users will not be able to navigate it. Before leaving the website, the Googlebot can crawl a certain amount of URLs. The crawl budget is the average number of URLs crawled by Googlebot. Website owners and publishers must figure out a way to increase the crawl budget so that relevant pages on the web can be crawled. Featured Snippets: If we don’t have Featured Snippets in our list of SEO themes, it will be incomplete. Featured Snippets are a type of SERP pattern that displays concise findings in a block without requiring users to click on a particular website. This snippet is taken from the highest-ranking website in any region, and it appears below the paid advertising and above the first organic result. The term “featured snippet” is described by Google. Some of the featured snippets are paragraph snippet, list type, table-type, numbered, video-type snippets. The higher a website’s score on the SERP, the better the user interface it provides. As a result, website owners and publishers who are serious about growing their companies and achieving higher targets should keep an eye on the above SEO trends. Websites will only outperform competitors if they participate in and integrate these patterns through strategic solutions and creativity.

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In Late July, Advertisers Won’t be Able to Generate New BMM Keywords!

By the end of July 2021, Google plans to scale out broad match modifier (BMM) keywords. You won’t be able to construct new BMM (Broad Match modifier) keywords using the +keyword notation. “Existing BMM keywords, on the other hand, will continue to operate with the updated phrase matching behavior,” Google stated. The properties of the ad, such as the bid and status, may still be changed, but if you want to change the keyword text, you’ll have to convert it to phrase match”. It’s a good idea to convert your keywords if you haven’t already because current BMM keywords are already processed with the extended-phrase match behavior. You’ll be able to gather new keyword metrics sooner rather than later now that you’re not dealing with a deprecated match type. It may also make account management simpler. Use the “Remove redundant keywords” advice to spotlight the BMM keywords when the term occurs as a phrase match in the same ad group. To make your job easier, Google has provided bulk edit solutions within Google Ads and Google Ads Editor, allowing you to quickly change BMM terms to the match type you require. A BMM keyword is removed and replaced with a new keyword of the same match type when it is converted. This means that the statistics for the new keyword will start again, but advertisers will still be able to access the previous performance data for the old BMM term. Predictably, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified wide match type gives them greater power. Rather, it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, they claim. “As a result of this change, accounts that rely heavily on phrase match keywords might expect a rise in ad impressions, clicks, expenditures, and even conversions. With the ‘more broad phrase’ match, these keywords will be more versatile, allowing businesses to reach visitors they couldn’t previously.” According to Google, this change is going to bring the best of broad match modifiers into phrase matches. The reason for this, according to Google, is that phrase match and broad match modified keywords “often serve the same use cases, and that by combining the two, you may reach more of the appropriate customers.” This update also gives you greater control over your keywords and makes it easier to manage them in your account (by saving you time spent monitoring particular phrases). However, many marketers in the community disagree that eliminating the modified broad match type will offer them greater impact. Instead, they claim that it appears to be in keeping with Google’s goal of automated/smart bidding, with Google in charge. Advertisers may see an increase or decrease in traffic. User queries that previously matched to keywords in one match type may now be eligible to match to a phrase or a historical BMM keyword, resulting in a shift in volume. As a result, marketers must monitor their accounts and, if required, adjust their spending to match the increasing volume. A list of other outstanding practices is also included in the document.

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A Day At Google Office – Google Attribution 360 and Analytics Master Class – Gurugram, India

Yesterday was really something. Got up early in the morning as we were going to visit Google India. Day started with a really hectic journey of 6 hours 260 Kilo ms. Google held a special seminar for Agents and its paid campaign users.  The class was called #ProductMasterclass. There we get to know tips and tricks about #AdwordsSearch, #DoubleClickCampaignManagement, #Analytics&Analytics360*, #Attribution360. The main thing we learned about was Attribution 360. It is product that coming really soon in India but is already working in United States. This is going to to be big transformation in #PaidMarketing as it will provide you such a great statistic view with the help of which you may boost the results far much faster than its been done till now. The class was for more than  7 hours and we really enjoyed our visit there. The instructors were very highly expert in their work and the way they taught us was really great. We had laugh out’s there we had serious discussion’s and last but not least we had a great meal. Google is really serious in what they do. Google’s pantry was far much bigger that my office. And serving different kind of meals. A day well spent. Thanks

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